Duration: 3 Days
- Role of IMO
- Conventions
- SOLAS 74, chapters VI and VII
- MARPOL 73/78
- Annex III
- IMO and dangerous goods
- Committee of Experts UN Recommendations
- The IMDG Code
- Formation of IMCO Relationship with SOLAS and MARPOL UN Committee and recommendations IMDG application, status, national aspects Layout: contents including General Introduction, individual schedules, definitions and annex Page numbering system Future reformatting.
- Classification: physics and chemistry
- Basic physics / chemistry Physical characteristics, Physical hazards and chemical properties
- Chemical hazards, including chemical stability and controlled temperature requirements, Marine Pollutants
- Classification : the UN system as used by IMO
- The nine classes Proper Shipping Names, UN Numbers, packaging Groups, Un-numbered / Unlisted substances / articles, Solutions and mixtures (SOLARS & MARPOL), Multiple hazards (precedence), Special provisions
- Classification : the IMDG classes
- Layout of schedules/DG list
- Classes 1-9
- Criteria
- Packaging Groups as applicable
- Special items (e. g. articles, Marine Pollutants, batteries, elevated temperature items)
- Video: Dangerous Goods at Sea, part-1
- Solid bulk
- Wastes
- Packing and tank requirements
- Packing gas cylinders
- IBCs
- Marking and labeling of packages
- Placarding / Marking of cargo transport units
- Documentation
- Special provisions
- Limited quantities
- Provisions
- Transport operations
- Stowage
- Segregation
- Fire precautions
- Container traffic
- Transport operations
- RoRo ships
- Shipborne barges
- Marine Pollutants
- Competent Authority
- Approval
- The IMDG Code Supplement
- Container packing
- Emergency Procedures
- Medical First Aid Guide
- Reporting procedures
- Use of pesticides in ships
- INF Code
- Appendix
- Safe transport of dangerous cargoes, etc. in port areas
- Future updating
- Amendments
- Harmonization with other modes
- International / National legislation
- Trade associations, magazines etc.
- General
- Consignment procedures
- Portable tanks
- IBCs
- Class 7 packaging
- Packaging Gas receptacles, Class 6.2 packaging
- Construction and testing of packaging, IBCs and portable tanks
- Portable tanks
Instructions will be undertaken through a combination of lectures and tutorials.
A certificate of course completion shall be issued to those who shall satisfactorily fulfill the course requirements. Certificate of Proficiency is issued by the Department of Shipping on completion of an oral test.