Duration: 4 Days
This course is designed for all deck officers. It deals with management in a highly operational situation onboard ship’s bridge. Thus, provide a comprehensive understanding of bridge safe watch-keeping principles, passage planning, and bridge team organization where sound BTM principles should be applied at all stages.
This course shall enable candidates to recognize and identify both their strengths and weaknesses measured against the learning objectives of each training activities and simulation exercises. This, in effect, shall enhance and improve their knowledge and skills in managing bridge team and operation. In particular, at the end of the course trainees should be able to:
1. Apply essential BRM techniques such as:
Communication and Briefings
Challenge and Response to break chain of errors chain of errors
Use of authority and assertiveness in a team
2. Use bridge equipment and human resources effectively
3. Apply and comply with company-specific bridge procedures during simulation exercises
4. Understand the role of the pilot on the bridge
5. Apply collision avoidance regulations and practices
6. Safely navigate, embark/disembark pilot in pilotage waters
7. Anchor safely in confined/congested waters
8. Execute safely docking/undocking maneuvers
9. Apply emergency procedures during simulation exercises e.g. man-overboard, steering/engine failures, etc.
Bridge Team Management:
Team management, error chains, casualties and causes, groundings and causes, bridge organization
Passage Appraisal:
Information sources-ocean passages-coastal passages
Passage Planning:
No-go areas, margins of safety, safe water, ocean tracks, coastal tracks, chart change, distance off, deviation from track, under keel clearance, tidal window, stream allowance, course alteration, wheel over, parallel indexing, ARPA mapping, way points, abort, contingencies, position fixing, primary and secondary fixing, conspicuous objects, landfall lights, fixing frequency & regularity, additional information, reporting points, anchor clearance, pilot boarding, tug engagement, traffic, situational awareness, transits, compass error, leading lines, clearing marks, clearing bearings, range of lights (geographical, luminous and nominal), landfall lights, extreme range, echo sounder, information, overcrowding, planning book, conning notes, masters approval, plan changes.
Executing The Plan:
Tactics, ETA for tide, ETA for daylight, traffic conditions, ETA at destinations, tidal stream and current, plan modification, additional personnel, briefing; fatigue, preparation for voyage on bridge.
Monitoring The Ship’s Progress:
Fixing method, visual bearings, frequency, regulatory aspects, EP, soundings, cross track error, time management, lookout, observation, under keel clearance, waypoints, transits, leading lines, natural leading lines, clearing marks and bearings, dipping distances, light sectors.
Single watch keeper with lookout, helmsman, Master on bridge, additional officer, scenario, Navigating with a Pilot on board, responsibilities, planning, information exchange, monitoring Navigating With a Pilot on Board Responsibilities, planning, information exchange, monitoring
Entry to the course is open to all deck officers. Companies intending to avail the course shall submit their respective Bridge Procedures and Vessel’s Emergency Response Procedures.
A Certificate of Completion will be given to each participant who satisfactorily fulfilled the course requirements. Certificate of Proficiency will be issued by the Department of Shipping on completion of an oral test.